Thursday, November 08, 2007

2007 Country Music Awards (CMA) Winners! / Carrie Underwood Picture and Video Bonanza

Since I can't sleep, let's talk about what I watched on TV tonight - the 2007 Country Music Awards or 2007 CMAs, which rolls off the tongue a little better.

Something that I really like about the Country Music Awards is that every single award sounds like a really big one. In some other larger award shows, especially in music and movies, two subjects that I'm pretty knowledgeable about, there's always a ton of categories that we inevitably know nothing about. You pretend that you know all these movies and artists, but you just have no idea who they are or what they are a lot of times if you're being honest with yourself.

Carrie = Winnarrrrr!! x2

However, in the CMAs, because the show is already broken out by specifically awarding the achievements of performers in one genre, pretty much every category not only makes sense, but is a big deal!

Without further adoooo, here are the winners for the 2007 41st Annual CMA Awards.

Entertainer of the Year: Kenny Chesney

Female Vocalist of the Year: Carrie Underwood

Harroooo two-time 2007 CMA winner Carrie Underwood!

Male Vocalist of the Year: Brad Paisley

Horizon Award: Taylor Swift

Vocal Group of the Year: Rascal Flatts

Vocal Duo of the Year: Sugarland

Single of the Year: "Before He Cheats" - Artist Carrie Underwood/Producer Mark Bright

Album of the Year: "It Just Comes Natural" - Artist George Strait

Song of the Year: "Give It Away"

Musical Event of the Year: "Find Out Who Your Friends Are" - Tracy Lawrence featuring Tim McGraw and Brad Paisley

Music Video of the Year: "Online" - Artist Brad Paisley/Director Jason Alexander

Musician of the Year: Jerry Douglas - Dobro

A lot of people on certain message boards were giving me crap for saying that I thought Taylor Swift was going to win the Horizon Award, which is kind of like Best New Artist for Country music. Apparently, many on the CMT website believed that American Idol Season 5 finalist Kellie Pickler deserved the award, which would have been great as well.

I think that Taylor Swift has a huge teen/early college fan base within the up and coming generation of "new country" lovers and that her fans love her enough to stick by her.

While the CMAs aren't fan voted, I think that you want to give your Best New Artist equivalent to an artist that you think is going to have some staying power and represent the industry well. Before Christina Aguilera went "Dirrrttyyyyyy," she beat out Britney Spears for Best New Artist, despite trailing her in album sales. I attributed the win to her then-less controversial image and more critical acclaim for her vocals compared to many other teeny-boppers that had one album wonder potential. Taylor Swift has not only the fan base, but she's entertaining and had a really great first album with tons of single-worthy tracks. More than that, she's "cool," 17 years old, and she's going to stay cool. Despite what others may say, I think it was a great choice.

And it doesn't hurt when you look like this

Sugarland had an absolutely lights out performance. Carrie Underwood performed "So Small" in a really long (and pretty) yellow dress, though her performance got outshined by Sugarland's a little bit. I think Rascal Flatts won Vocal Group of the Year for the sixth year in a row if I'm correct, which might be a CMA record? Those guys are incredible.

Here's Rascal Flatts and Carrie Underwood sharing the stage at the Grammys performing some country classics in one of the cooler videos you'll see today.

Here's Carrie and Rascal performing their ever famous "God Bless The Broken Road" duet on American Idol, which marked the definitive moment that I started to get into country music (Carrie's initial Rascal-less performance of the song got the ball rolling and this made it completely happen).

This is unrelated, but "God Bless The Broken Road," has to be one of the best songs ever. It's really simple, it might be a little cheesy, but that song is amazing. Here's JR Aquino, a YouTube celebrity in his own right, singing that very song. It has nothing to do with the CMA awards, but I thought he was pretty good and thought it was worth posting.

Carrie didn't end up winning Music Video of the Year for "Before He Cheats," but it's always worth watching!

Until next year, CMAs!

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