Friday, April 20, 2007

I really want to believe that the Internet is going to empower voters and encourage young people to learn more about candidates so that they can make educated votes. I checked out the Barack Obama page on YouTube, hoping to learn a little bit more about one of the more intriguing candidates for the 2008 Presidential Election. I watched some videos and thought that it would be very cool to see if people were engaging in intelligent discussions about the videos that I could learn from myself.

While some of the comments were great, others definitely included...

"dude charlie rose is so intimidating"

"Obama, Clinton, McCain, Edwards, Romney... Who cares?
They're all puppets on the same New World Order police state string!!
A vote for them is a sure vote for destruction and tyranny.

Vote Ron Paul before we fall!!
In 2008, we regulate!!

He has never voted to raise taxes.
He has never voted for an unbalanced budget.
He has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership.
He has never voted to raise congressional pay.
He has never taken a government-paid junket.
He has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.
He voted against the Patriot Act.
He voted against regulating the Internet.
He voted against the Iraq war."

"you suck obama"

Well, it'll get there.

There were also some really interesting posts like these:

"To all that say the war in Iraq is wrong. I have one question, why then do most troops who have fought in the war support it and the president? Well, one reason is all the Iraq veterans, including myself, know the truth about what is going on there. If you really think the media accurately portrays this war you are sadly mistaken. I have seen evidence there that supports every reason why we went. I am proud to have crossed the boarder into Iraq in 2003 with the U.S. Army."

And straight forward, "you thought it, I said it," posts like these:

"His record is that he is the only major candidate that had the good judgment to see that this was a "dumb" war."

Check out the MySpace/YouTube pages when you have a chance. I'll check out the Clinton ones over the weekend as well. Interesting stuff when no one is there to edit (is anyone editing?)

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