Thursday, April 19, 2007

NBC looks for a story on Facebook

Really don't know how I feel about this, nor the "Today, we are all Hokies" profile pictures that people are putting up on Facebook. It's confusing... Despite the fact that so much of the media coverage on this tragedy is about Cho Seung-Hui and repeatedly talks about how he is South Korean, I feel a strange disconnect with this event - perhaps because I didn't watch the news coverage the day of the shooting. I did read about it, but I wonder if it's because I haven't been exposed to as much of the mainstream media on this story that I am left less affected.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

this is a little late Dave, but I felt very un-moved when people started posting all these facebook groups in support of the V-Tech students and families. I refused to join these mostly out of protest of jumping on a some sort of support bandwagon. While I am moved deeply and cant even imagine having what happened at V-Tech happen to me, or anyone I know, or any school that I have been involved in, I dont feel that facebook is the right place to show my support and true feelings. Thus I refrain from joining these groups, and then on top of that, in 8 months when I am cleaning up my profile, I will feel like a satanist if i remove that group and then the Mini-Feed tells everyone that I left the group "Pray for the Hokies" then we will see "Justin King is a Jackass" group pop up... your thoughts?