DLK: Hey Dave. It's great to be sitting with you. We're excited to give people a chance to find out more about DLK.
DC: It's definitely an ambitious venture for you guys to be starting your own clothing line at this point in your lives. Tell us a little bit about yourselves and where the inspiration came from to start DLK?
Paras: I graduated USC in 2004. I've always wanted to a clothing line and did some entrepreneurial stuff at USC. Ultimately, though, this worked out best because after discussing the idea with my brother, I knew a collaboration would be best.
Priya: I am currently as business major at USC. The whole dream aspect of DLK is something I take very seriously because starting this line was definitely a dream for me-- it has been a dream for me to work with my brothers since I was young so getting a chance to do something all three of us are passionate about and are completely dedicated to, is already one dream come true for me.
Parag: I just graduated high school, and will now be following my brother's and sister's footsteps and will be attending USC. Fashion has always taken an important role in my life, so starting a clothing company was the next obvious step for me. When I came up with DLK, I knew right then and there that with the right people behind it, and the right strategy, it could be the next great clothing line.
DC: Where are you guys based out of?
DLK: Currently, we are based out of Los Angeles, CA.
DC: So is DLK more of a SoCal deal for now?
DLK: Since we're in the beginning stages of our company we are trying to create a strong base in SoCal. Our plan though, is definitely not limited just to this area. We hope to expand internationally as the brand continues to gain recognition.
DC: Any plans to get something going online? Maybe an eBay deal or an official sales-centered website?
DLK: As of now, we have a website (http://www.dlkapparel.com/) where people can subscribe to get updates or contact us. It is under construction and we hope to launch a more comprehensive site up in a few months. We also have created a Facebook group ("DLK Apparel: Dress Like Kings, Dream Like Kings) where people can read more about us and check out our first line. As for selling clothes online, we hope to sell our clothes through online retailers in the future.
DC: Tell me a little bit about the significance of the company name and what you're trying to communicate through your line?
DLK: Well, DLK is a twofold acronym that represents our lifestyle–Dress Like Kings, and our philosophy–Dream Like Kings. Our goal is to promote classic looks with designs that demonstrate an individuals ambitious spirit. No matter how young or how old, DLK provides clothing that appeals to every crowd, thus every dream. Our outlook is simple: Get dressed. Go dream.
Parag: Believe it or not, the idea actually came up in a dream I had. I had a dream where I was wearing a shirt that said DLK and someone asked me what it stood for and I said "Dress Like Kings." After discussing the idea with my brother and sister, Paras added the Dream Like Kings aspect to if after realizing that creating this line would be a dream for all of us.DC: What have been some of the challenges and surprises of starting up your own clothing line so far?
DLK:A few of the challenges we've had include finding a right mix of shirts, learning the industry specific language, simply learning about how the industry works, and like any other business, trying to organize and work with our budget. These have all been hurdles along the way, but we've gotten a very positive response and we're confident that DLK is here to stay.
DC: Is there a target market for DLK?
DLK:Our target market is anyone with dreams and anyone who is looking to make it on their own terms. We're doing that ourselves and we respect anyone who tries to do the same.
DC: What's going to separate DLK from some of the other brands out there? Do you take inspiration from any brands that have already been established? Or what could we compare the style you guys are going for with?
DLK:First off, our line is a twofold acroymn that clearly explains what our brand stands for and is about. With other brands it's more of the name that sells. While we're trying to do the same, we're also trying to create a lifestyle, and inspire people everywhere to follow their dreams. We're unique because we have a universal brand–everyone has dreams, therefore everyone will find something that appeals to them through DLK. We've been inspired by clothing lines such as FiveFour, Volcom, Obey, and Monarchy.
DC: Coming out of SoCal, you guys are definitely right in the mix with a big market for surf t's and skateboarding gear, do you have any plans or designs to appeal to that market?
DLK: Definitely. It's something we've all discussed and hope to do in the future.
DC: Tell us about the line that you guys have out right now. What's in it and what kind of planning went into getting this first line to launch?
DLK:Currently, we have 3 designs out, each in 2 different colors. It was difficult because he had to choose 3 designs from 12 that we had created. It took a lot of planning but we've gotten a very positive response so we're very happy about that.
DC: And what about upcoming lines and plans for DLK's future?
DLK:Now that we've gotten a chance to see the reactions we received from our first line, we're in the process of finalizing our second line. With the second line and the upcoming lines after that, we hope to get more intricate with the designs, add more detail to the shirts, and create all different types of clothes. We've also discussed future ideas such as creating a champagne (Drink Like Kings) and making accessories such as hats, backpacks, wallets, etc. We want DLK to expand just beyond clothing and have it become a household name.
DC: Thinking big. What are your guys' plans to get the company name out there? Do you guys have any events planned or a launch party?
DLK:As of right now, we've created our website and a Facebook group to help spread the word. By May of 2008, though, we plan to throw our launch party. We are also hoping to be in the Fall 2008 Magic Trade Show in Las Vegas. As we continue working to make those two events happen, we're currently trying to hit up our own network of celebrities and friends and just getting as many people as possible to sport DLK. It's a constant hustle with us–our main focus is establishing the name and we're making every effort to make sure that happens.
DC: Love the hustle, guys. How can people get in touch with you guys, check out the new line, or place orders?
DLK:People can contact any of us through joining the Facebook Group, subscribing through our website, or emailing us at dlkapparel@gmail.comDC: Very cool. Dress like Kings, Dream like Kings, and you guys are definitely dreaming big. We'll be on the lookout for you guys in the very near future and be on the lookout for DLK on the streets. Best of luck!
DLK: Thanks Dave!
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