Sunday, June 17, 2007

Flattery by Realtor.

I had an interesting experience and revelation today.

This morning, I went on a run from my apartment, hoping to make it to Beverly Hills. I stopped a little short of where I believe Beverly Hills officially begins (Olympic Boulevard and Beverly Drive) because I was literally on the verge of throwing up because I haven't run in more months that I'm comfortable admitting. As I was walking back, cursing myself for wussing out and not making the last jog down the hill to make it to my goal, I saw an open house sign and decided to walk in - dressed in my basketball shorts I've had since high school, running shoes, and sweaty Intervarsity Christian fellowship t-shirt. Clearly, I looked like I was "in the market" to buy.

Why did I stop? Well, during this run, I decided that I want to buy a house somehow, someway in Beverlywood or Cheviot Hills. I don't know how it's going to happen, but I'm going to try and make it happen. I didn't think I was going to be able to buy a flat panel TV and that happened. I didn't think I was going to be able to afford a new car, and well, after my car got stolen, that had to happen. And now, a house. This goal will take a little bit more planning, time, and cash flow than the others, but it's something to shoot for. I was intimidated by all the BMWs, Lexuses (Lexi?), and Benzes in the driveways, but figured my Scion could one day fit in just fine.

I wandered into this house, which was quite possibly the weirdest layout of a house I've ever seen in my life. Immediately, I thought, "No," but figured I'd walk around anyways because it's not like I had the money to buy and really, being inside a house, out of the sun, while I was trying to catch my breath after my run was a nice break. There were bedrooms on top of bedrooms, a washing machine room right in the middle of the house, no matching floors, no matching paint, two bathrooms that were the polar opposite of each other (with two entrances to each bathroom, a huge pet peeve of mine. People worry if one bathroom door is locked, if you have to think about two, that just makes it even worse). The house was just all bad and it was on the market for $1.2 million. Yikes.

I was greeted by Ron, a Realtor who was sitting in for the day because the regular guy assigned to the house was taking father's day off. We exchanged pleasantries and he echoed some of my comments about the layout of the house. All in all, great guy. What was interesting about our conversation was how it began.

"Are you a doctor?"

"No. Why? Because of my handwriting?" (I thought it might be because I looked so tired after my 2.3 mile run, according to Google Maps)

"Oh, sorry. Do you have your Master's?"

"That I do." (I'm sure he meant MBA, but technically, I still do have one)

"I can tell. You just have that demeanor."

Oh Ron, I know you're trying to flatter me - a 23 year old sweaty kid with eye boogers who randomly walked into a house on a Sunday morning - and I appreciated it. I think not shaving for two days makes me look like I have a Master's. I'm going to look like Castaway pretty soon if this is how people react to me.

Remember to wish your respective fathers a happy father's day today!

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