Thursday, June 21, 2007

Kelly Clarkson recently canceled her summer due to low ticket sales.

The singer has made news recently by firing her manager as well, but hopefully good things are in store for the original American Idol.

No tour, but Never Again is still a great jam in the car.

Clarkson's new CD - My December - is scheduled for release on June 26th, but according to Best Buy, my pre-ordered copy was shipped two days ago.

I went to the So You Think You Can Dance taping earlier tonight and had a great time with my friend Carolyn. I'll try and find a clear shot of both of us on the DVR since we're on TV a bunch, but I have to say that was the longest taping I've ever been to. We arrived at CBS Studios in Hollywood at 2:30 PM and didn't leave until 7:00 PM. In comparison, we reported to American Idol at 3:00 PM and left at 6:00. It was a good show, but I wish that I went to a show a little later in the season where I was a little more attached to the characters. Regardless, it was great to take in the show, even though we didn't get to hear a trademark Mary Murphy scream live.

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