Tuesday, May 15, 2007

ABC.com to go HD

This summer, ABC is going to start streaming its most popular shows - Lost, Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, and Ugly Betty - in high definition online. I remember when I first started watching TV shows online. The first series that I watched in its entirety was Commander in Chief - the show where Geena Davis is the President of the United States. Filled with advertisements, yet totally worth watching (I still remember the advertisements for Apocalypto that were so insanely loud that they ruined the drama of whatever show I was watching, this signaled a new beginning to me of how people were going to watch TV in the future.

Now we have something like Joost, still in beta, but making waves throughout the industry. I probably watched about 8 episodes of MTV's Laguna Beach via Joost on a wireless connection that couldn't have been pulling more than 150 KB/s (thanks to you bastards who jump on our wireless connection and put in weird addresses on MapQuest...don't think we don't see those), in a higher resolution and better quality than I would have gotten through a non-HD feed via my overpriced, monopoly cable company provider Time Warner!

Television is on its way to becoming this on demand-only world and networks are realizing that more and more viewers are like me and have their computer monitor and television in the same unit, allowing them to broadcast in HD and have it be totally worthwhile to the consumer.

Kristin Cavalleri presented in Joost near-HD? Best. Bandwidth. Ever.

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