Monday, May 07, 2007

With the potential of a new car comes the potential need for a new job.

I may have finished school today and have now completed my Bachelor's and Master's degrees, but that doesn't mean that I won't end up back to my roots - food service.

Tonight, I applied for weekend positions at AMC as a Box Office Cashier and Apple as a retail store cashier. With my student loans and other life expenses, unfortunately, there is just no way I would be able to survive on what I'm making at my current job while making payments on a new car. So for now, Master's Degree and all, I'm probably heading back to retail, cashiering, or even food to try and make some extra cash on Friday nights and Saturday mornings apart from my 50 hour week at work.

Other places I'm thinking of applying? Nordstrom, In-n-Out, McDonald's, Pacific Sunwear, and yes, even Tito's Tacos. I would love to work on my Spanish working there! I think they want people who work more hours, but I'd love to give it a shot!

Such is life, right? More like, such is life when your car gets stolen. If I end up at the McDonald's Drive-Thru, don't give me a hard time.

1 comment:

Steve Marks said...

dude, tito's tacos is the best. probably not too many master's degrees there on the wall, though.