Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Google is now the world's most valuable brand

When I was interviewing for a few different positions with Google, I couldn't have been more excited. When I flew up to Mountain View, California to endure a five hour interview with various members of their recruiting team, it was an overall great experience. I was so set on working in the sports industry when I started college, but ended up turning down a full-time position with the USC Football team. While all this Googleviewing was going on, I also had the opportunity to drop out of grad school to pursue a position with the Atlanta Braves. However, Google seemed like it was as cool, if not cooler than all of them.

Why? I don't know. Maybe it was the way peoples' eyes lit up when I said "I'm interviewing with Google." Maybe it was the fact that everyone knows what Google is, was, and is en route to becoming. People say that every great empire eventually falls, but I just think it's amazing that they've become an empire over the course of what, a decade? People say it can't last, but when you're attracting and maintaining top talent because "everyone wants to work for Google," you have a great shot, even when the world is against you and your "do no evil" ways. It's really incredible to see! And they have free Naked Juice in their coolers! (I drank four while I was there...didn't get the job, but at least I got some good free drinks)

Now, I'm here. About ten days away from graduation, after about ten serious considerations of dropping out of grad school (under the guise of a 3.8 GPA), and I'm happy to be here. Google or no Google.

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