And so ends the greatest night in reality television history...
Lauren and Pasha Week 6
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As predicted, resident hottie #2 Lauren and Pasha (no nickname, not really crazy about the guy) said goodbye on So You Think You Can Dance

Newport Harbor is premiering right now on MTV as well, but I think I'm TV-ed out at this point.
Best night in reality TV history? I think so.
With big high fives to fellow The Hills superfans Recovering Sorority Girl and my homey Natasha for sharing my over the top enthusiasm for tonight's premiere, LC and friends did not disappoint.
Whitney made her crazy faces (and anyone who played The Hills drinking game got wasted). Lauren got really mad (she's so fly when she's pissed, but I don't really like drunk Lauren). They acknowledged the sex tape rumors. Audrina created moments of awkward silence by not responding when spoken to (and dated a weird looking guy who wasn't nice to Lo and LC...I'm guessing he's rich, which would clearly make him a good catch). Playboy Spence and Brody are still rich. And LC even spent some time back in Laguna, looking pensively out at the crashing waves, much like she did back in the Laguna Beach days. Heidi had huge boobs magically. Jen Bunney made an appearance. Brody Jenner continued being the coolest man on the planet. And Audrina's co-worker had some enormous knockers! Someone got the memo that MTV was taping that day...
EDIT: Many thanks to Natasha for reminding me that Whitney dropped the best line in TV history, "W...T...F..." last night.
All in all, an hour of great TV.
If there was anything disappointing, it was the opening of the show, which was a little less fun without the "Lauren covers his mouth joyfully upon opening the door to her new apartment" part. Luckily, they kept the part where the model snaps her head back with the music and put in a good new part where Lauren motions over to Audrina with her finger. They should do an opening with just crazy Whitney faces - instant ratings!
Apparently, Lauren now dances as well. I'm actually pretty excited for Jason Wahler's return as well. Hopefully, it's not all "party Lauren" all the time because I kind of liked "sit at home and play with my Blackberry Lauren" last year. And her hair looks great.
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