Friday, August 10, 2007

Whether we like it or not, Spencer Pratt has truly made "Beef Curtains" a vocabulary phenomenon after calling my beloved Lauren Conrad the less than flattering nickname. As previously posted, this was all started when Pratt posted the following message on his piss poor website (really, I feel like mine is better). But hey, the guy is getting a ton of traffic from it, so I can't really hate, even if it's at the expense of my favorite Hollywood personality.

I'm on Team LC on Facebook, but if it ever said "Lauren/'Beef Curtains'" on The Hills when Lauren comes on screen, I wouldn't be able to not laugh because this is so ridiculous.

“For all you Haters- Please feel free to Hate on me here on my blog/board were I actually read comments! I think it’s great place for people who can’t stand me to vent and get whatever they have to say off their chest! If it makes you feel better. But if you hate me because you think I ruined Lauren and Heidi friendship…you have your facts all wrong! Lauren ruined Heidi and Laurens friendship when she told Heidi that she could not be friends with her as long as she dated me…the fact is Lauren is in LOVE with Heidi…she used to scream at Heidi if she left her alone one night…she used to ask to get in bed with Heidi and I to cuddle in the mornings…believe what you want…when those cameras turn off LC(BEEF CURTAINS) is a completely different person…she goes back to being the spoiled brat that made her famous on Laguna Beach…excuse me…the famous Boyfriend stealer. The funny thing to me is that she says we use her for attention…when she is the one in USWeekly this week talking about Heidi and I for 6 pages…talk about a desperate loser that needs to get her own relationship to worry about OR TALK ABOUT…I mean this girl has not had one functional relationship in her whole life and she is going to try and tell Heidi how to live her life and relationships!HA The LC is a pathetic wannabe fashion designer…who can’t even dress herself and look good…how is she going to design a line…ha…it should be called BEEF CURTAINS by LC… I only call her this because this is what people like Brody Jenner, Steven Coletti, and Jason Whaler all go around calling her…IT’S SAD that she destroyed the SEX TAPE that DID EXIST…because those BEEF CURTAINS would have made her real FAMOUS! I hate even talking about LC(BEEF CURTAINS) but she continues to talk about Heidi and I in all her interviews…so until she shuts her ugly mouth…I am going to continue to tell the world the truth about LC! This is a WARNING to LC… her dad aka JOE SIMPSON JR. , Manager, Agent, and Publisist that you better warn your client that she is starting a WAR that she doesn’t want…SO STOP TALKING ABOUT HEIDI AND MYSELF…because the TRUTH WILL ALWAYS PREVAIL AND YOU DO NOT WANT HEIDI AND I TO TAKE A PUBLIC LIE DETECTOR TEST ABOUT ALL THE THINGS WE KNOW ABOUT YOU AND YOUR BEEF CURTAINS…”
No beef curtains here...

For those of us coming to the site looking for answers, the most popular definition for beef curtains on is currently:

"n. the resulting low hanging, loose, flappy labia from muliple bangings of the female genitalia

Ex: 'I was doing this slut the other day and her beef curtains were hanging almost to her knees.'"

For fun, let's continue tracking the LC/Beef Curtains keyword searches that land people on my website as we gear up for The Hills Season 3, which kicks off on Monday night.

Here are the keyword searches for August 10th, 2007 that brought people to my site:

1, lauren conrad beef curtains

2. lc beef curtains

3. beef curtains meaning

4. define beef curtains

5. lc beef curtain

6. why is lauren conrad called beef curtains

7. beef curtains

8. beef curtains definition

9. lauren conrad + beef curtains

10. lauren conrad beef

11. q102 lc interview

12. what is a beef curtain

13. "beef curtains" means

14. abc show i caught

15. beef curtains lc

16. beef curtains pictures lauren

17.beef curtains spencer pratt

18. big beef curtains photo

19. bonnie muirhead cracks

20. bonnie muirhead interview

21. bonnie muirhead pics

22. carrie underwood so small

23. carrie underwood's band/musicians

24. christina goodenow

25. define beef curtain

26. definition beef curtains

27. heidi montag official site

28. heidi montag official website

29. heidi on q102

30. lauren c why do they call her beef curtains?

31. lauren conra

32. lauren conrad nickname

33. lauren conrad's beef curtains

34. lauren conrad's nickname

35. lauren conrad, beef curtains

36. lauren the hills season 2 "he's a sucky person"

37. lc and beef curtains definition

38. lc what is beef curtains

39. lc+beef+curtains

40. lc, beef curtains

41. merry miller caught show

42. obamagirls

43. picture of lauren conrad's beef curtains (this one makes me laugh)

44. radio beef curtains.

45. so think can dance performance fray

46. spencer call's lauren, found at von

47. spencer pratt beef curtains

48. spencer pratt blog beef curtains

49. spencer pratt messageboard

50. spencer pratt's nickname for lc

51. spencer pratt's official website

52. spencer pratt's radio interview august 3rd

53. spencer pratt, beef curtains

54. spencer pratt, official website

55. spencer's nickname for lauren

56. the hills beef curtain

57. the meaning of beef curtains

58. what are beef curtains

59. what does beef curtains mean

60. what's a beef curtain?

61. why do they call lauren beef curtains

62. why do they call lauren conrad beef curtains

63. why do they call lauren from the hills "beef curtains"

64. why do they call lc beef curtains?

65. why is lauren conrad called beef curtains?

66. why is lauren conrad named beef curtains

67. definition of beef curtains

68. definition of beef curtains?

69. lacey schwimmer slide solo dance

70. spencer pratt's nickname for lauren conrad

Not Beef Curtains.
Also, not beef curtains, but Spencer Pratt has really created an Internet phenomenon.

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