Saturday, August 25, 2007

Tracking's turtle-like growth: June 2007 vs. July 2007

I know that no one cares about this but me. However, since I do stuff like this all day at work, I figure it's a good way for me to keep my brain relatively sharp on the weekend. Additionally, I'm horribly ill and deliriously tired, so this seems like a good idea right now for some reason.

Ready? Here we go!

Basic Traffic Stats
July 2007

Total Visits: 4,602
Total Unique Visitors: 3,819 (I love you, 800 or so people who came back more than once last month!)
Page Views: 6,685
Average Page Views Per Visitor: 1.45
Average Time on Site: 4 minutes and 44 seconds
Bounce Rate: 75.99% (percent of people who go on the site for a few seconds and then bail, mostly the "Google Image Search" people who come in to steal my pictures)
New Visits: 82.31%

June 2007
Total Visits: 2,180
Total Unique Visitors: 1,702
Page Views: 3,145
Average Page Views Per Visitor: 1.44
Average Time on Site: 3 minutes and 54 seconds
Bounce Rate: 76.33%
New Visits: 77.52%

So traffic doubled from June 2007 to July 2007, in terms of both total visits and total unique visitors. It seems like the content I was posting was pretty much the same in terms of how engaging it was, but that in July, maybe people were watching more videos because stayed on the site for almost a minute longer on average.

I think this has become my official "Hooray!" picture

Top Traffic Sources (where people come from to get here)
July 2007
Google Image Search: 28.81% (People love pictures!)
Google Search: 14.78%
Direct Traffic: 10.97%(Think it's very cool that people actually type in "" and get here)
Blogger: 8.6%
Boxxet: 7.93% (they linked to my "Spider Pig" post, thanks guys!)

June 2007
Google Search: 31.38% (People love pictures!)
Google Image: 20.18%
Direct Traffic: 13.44%
Blogger: 11.97%
Facebook: 7.52%

Surprisingly, Facebook fell out of the top 5 for July 2007, after it started out as one of the only ways I got traffic on here in the first place. However, when people come from Facebook in July 2007, on average, they are here for a really long time (almost 8 minutes!). When people came to the site from Google in July, average duration of each visit was 7 minutes and 22 seconds, so I'm happy that it looks like I have some interesting stuff on here for the masses!

Top Searches to get here:
July 2007

1. Brent Wuchae (track coach who married student)
2. Roisin Isner
3. Cody Paul Los Alamitos (the little, incredible football player who was featured on MySpaceTV)
4. Dave Chung
5. Carrie Underwood

June 2007

1. Chris Benoit family pictures
2. Windy Hagar (student who married track coach)
3. Dave Chung
4. "Windy Hagar"
5. Brenton Wuchae

Interestingly, the Windy Hagar story had legs for two whole months and he somehow went from Brenton to Brent, was there a change in how the media was addressing him?

Adsense Stats
July 2007

Page Impressions: 13,002
*I switched to a different ad model in July, which I don't know if anyone noticed, but that significantly lowered the impressions on my page, so this will get back on track in September.
June 2007
Page Impressions: 18,097

With "Beef Curtains" fueling August 2007, it'll be interesting to see the stats at the end of this already personal-best breaking month.

Thanks to everyone who stopped in over the past couple months and continues to pop in. Who knew that I site that I made out of disappointment for not being able to finish out my academic career writing for the school newspaper on my terms would turn into something that I was so into? I definitely didn't.

As always, incredibly grateful for your guys' support and hope to keep the website "fresh" as we move on to its 9th month of existence!


Lena said...

Yay for you, I haven't checked mine in 2 weeks or so! sigh! Keep it up. I'm tired. I've been on internet overload for the past few hours. I've got to get out of the house!

NMG said...

FYI: I read daily! and not because of beef curtains lol! Myspace, Facebook, USCmail, WellsFargo,, lather, rinse, repeat!! hope you're feeling better schnookums!