I always find it very entertaining how our media gets focused on specific stories in waves.
For a bit, it was all about DUI's and young Hollywood spending time in prison (Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie, Lindsay Lohan). We even had a stint with Sidekicks getting hacked (Paris Hilton, Vida Guerra, allegedly). We toyed with a brief stint of professional athletes having baby's mommas (Tom Brady, Matt Leinart)

On TMZ alone today, we have stories of DMX being possibly accused of animal cruelty again, Britney Spears (ugh, what a train wreck) being investigated by the SPCA after her dog had a cast on, and Cindy Crawford visits a "puppy prison."
I thought Stephon Marbury made an interesting point about this whole ordeal, saying that people don't get upset when people go out and hunt deer, but Michael Vick is getting the "smackdown" put down on him because this involves dogs.
"I think it's tough," Marbury said, according to Albany TV station Capital News 9. "I think, you know, we don't say anything about people who shoot deer or shoot other animals. You know, from what I hear, dogfighting is a sport. It's just behind closed doors."
Marbury expanded on those comments in the statement.
"There is no list for which animals should be killed and which shouldn't. I love animals and none of them should be harmed However, we don't react the same when other animals are being killed for sport or the sake of human pleasure."
Even though Marbury took heat for his comments, I do find it interesting that hunting is acceptable when done for sport (not people who eat the animals, but people who kill them just to kill them) by people who are either very classy (rich) or people that have it just a part of their everyday lives. I would assume that most these people are White (I'm not trying to open that Pandora's Box, so hold on).When Maurice Clarett and Mike Williams were trying to enter the NFL draft early, people protested. They were two Black athletes, both around 20 years old, trying to make a living playing the sport they excelled at (Clarett has since seen better days). People got so upset about them trying to enter the draft early, despite the fact that 15 year old tennis players (a primarily "White" sport) and exceptional golfers (a primarily White and now, Asian sport) go pro whenever they feel like it and no one seems to care.
I understand the argument that football is a contact sport. I was closely involved with our program at USC for three years, but it's hard to ignore that there appear to be some double standards. I'm not here to say what's right and what's wrong, but it's just something to think about.
Anyways, as always, looking forward to the next trend in media.
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