Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Hairspray Day

So I finally saw Hairspray, which I wanted to see because of So You Think You Can Dance.

I have come to a few conclusions:
- Amanda Bynes is a dreamy girl.
- Zac Efron is a pretty good looking dude, not gonna lie. He deserves all the attention that the ladies give him before they say "OMG, Chris Hansen is going to come get me."
- Sometimes, there is too much singing in musicals. I wish that sometimes, they could just say things to each other. I was all about three or so songs in the movie, but a lot of them were overkill.
Amanda Bynes, you had me at "She's the Man."

1 comment:

my mind & welcome to it said...

i know you posted this last year, but i just came upon it now. i liked the movie also. my daughter, who likes to dance, loved it. and when we got a tape of it, she played it constantly, trying to get down the dance moves.

i wanted to ask you, i believe you said there was signaling in the move. could you tell me what you meant.